
【愛不釋手】Mount Monroe 防水中筒登山靴, 鞋, 鞋



zalora 鞋評價後來發現ZALORA這個網站,裡面賣的都是一些外國的品牌,價格也不貴,重點是!!!應該....不會再到處撞衫了吧XDD 有種發現新大陸的感覺~~

這是最近挑選中幾樣商品,一樣是在ZALORA上看到的,發現現在在網路上購物的比率越來越高了,可能跟生活越來越忙碌有關吧... 沒什麼時間外出採購,放假都以外出旅遊以及陪家人為主,而且有時發現在外面的賣場比價半天累得要死,還找不要想找的東西,而且網購又有7天猶豫期,後來乾脆都在網路上購買了, 我真的非常喜歡逛ZALORA,尤其裡面靴子的這一項,更是讓我敗了好多次....,下面是賣場提供的產品說明,大家一起入坑吧XD


Designed to endure the harshest environment without compromising style, realize your adventurer ensemble with a pair of Timberland shoes. Made of durable full grain leather, the Mount Monroe Mid Waterproof Winter boots feature padded insoles with anti-fatigue comfort technology to provide all-day comfort and support for any terrain.

- Leather and textile upper
- Rounded toe
- Six pairs of metal eyelets with recycled PET round lace
- Padded tongue and cuffs for extra comfort
- Compression-molded EVA midsoles with anti-fatigue comfort technology
- Rustproof speed lace hardware
- Textile insole
- Durable 42% recycled rubber lug outsole for traction
- Shaft height: 11cm/4.33"

Designed to endure the harshest environment without compromising style, realize your adventurer ensemble with a pair of Timberland shoes. Made of durable full grain leather, the Mount Monroe Mid Waterproof Winter boots feature padded insoles with anti-fatigue comfort technology to provide all-day comfort and support for any terrain.- Leather and textile upper- Rounded toe- Six pairs of metal eyelets with recycled PET round lace- Padded tongue and cuffs for extra comfort- Compression-molded EVA midsoles with anti-fatigue comfort technology- Rustproof speed lace hardware- Textile insole- Durable 42% recycled rubber lug outsole for traction- Shaft height: 11cm/4.33'


★物品連結---Mount Monroe 防水中筒登山靴, 鞋, 鞋

Mount Monroe 防水中筒登山靴, 鞋esprit 高雄, 鞋




雖然其他家有1.5%的回饋,但不是有限名額,就是回zalora 評價饋額度有上限或是回饋禮券,這張卡則是不管在哪裡消費都有現金回饋



*「謹慎理財信用至上」,「信用消費及預借現金適用之循環信用利率:5.88%-19.929%。zalora 尺寸每筆預借現金手續費:新臺幣100元+預借現金金額 X 3.5%及其他費用查詢請洽滙豐銀行網站/環利率基準日為104年3月1日」

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